Thursday, May 10, 2012


(Photos courtesy of Duane Watson, owner, breeder, handler)

 When I originally spoke to Duane about Capri, his almost 11 month old Rottweiler, he informed me that she was getting "out of control".  I quickly followed up with a series of questions designed to help outline our problem areas (specifically when or where Capri is having trouble performing consistantly), clearly define our goals, and prioritize the goals.  Capri had an extenuating circumstance directly related to her behavioral issues: she had been diagnosed with Panosteitis several months ago, and thus had been on a strict schedule of crate rest. 

     Together Duane and I chose to focus on Capri's leash walking as our first goal.  We agreed that by teaching her to walk calmly she had a much better chance to continue healing, and to feel better in general.  In addition, we would then have the option of taking her more places to continue her socialization.  At close to 80lbs, Capri was even getting difficult for Duane to handle on leash. 

  In our very first session, we had dramatic results.  Because Duane is a savvy owner, he made sure to continue 
bonding with Capri, even though she could not have as much physical exersize during her prescribed rest period.  He made sure she was polite in her crate, and that she would allow him to touch her all over her body.  With a solid bond, and with step by step instruction from me, we had Capri walking smoothly on leash, not pulling, and stopping when Duane stopped.  He was very pleased, and just as important- Capri was also content with the results.  Each week we meet to continue conditioning Capri for more consistent behavior on-leash. 



  1. Good luck Capri! Furgas and i just had a week of "intensive toddler training" after a neighbour brought two small children in a stroller through my fence and into the yard, assuming my dogs won't harm a child. Bad babysitter! Furgas poked the toddler in the tummy, then barked in his face trying to get him to play. I wasn't even outdoors when they came in the yard! Plan... Load Rottie in car and visit willing parents of small children. He did great. Training dogs seems easier than ecucating neighbours
