Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I do, dog

Look how cute I am Mom!

Wedding planning feels like it is eating a chunk out of my life the size of a full time job! With the event set less than 6 months from now, I have been struggling to negotiate all the many details involved with making the day an enjoyable experience for all who will be attending.

I camp out on the couch for most of my planning sessions, surrounded by various pamphlets, multiple notebooks, invitations, a calendar, my phone, and computer. Brutus now curls up in a ball on his end of the couch when he sees me assembling my pile of "Wedding stuff" and bringing it to the living room. He serves as a warm stripey table for my spiral ring binder that holds the master list of tasks accomplished. Grace lays patiently within sight.

The more websites I browse and phone calls I make, the higher my blood pressure rises. The more frazzled I get, the closer my Shepherd creeps...

BOOP! A cold wet nose gently inserts itself in my left ear, then withdraws. Brutus yawns and stretches. My notebook slides casually to slap the floor. Another Four-Pawed victory. It's time for a break! Outside to stretch and play fetch for a bit. My happy dogs keep ME happy!

When we are all relaxed again, and a little bit tired, we straggle back inside to the couch. I pull my tiara from the table and put it on Grace for fun. Ready to work again!


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