Sunday, July 15, 2012

Having a "Crate" time!

I thought it may be helpful to share a bit about how to allow your dog OUT of a crate, to give yourself the most opportunity for a stress-free walk. So many issues can be prevented by crate manners! Starting each day out on the right paw can remind everyone involved how wonderful dog ownership should be!

First thing in the morning, many people are in a hurry. We have places to be- work, school or other appointments that are time sensitive! Don't let your stress transfer to your pup. Having a routine that emphasizes calm from the moment your pup steps out of the crate ensures your dog has the proper attitude for interaction and exercise throughout the day.

Below is a video of a student named Peanut.

I use minimal vocal commands, so it becomes a routine that the dog must memorize. In the mornings, I am not always thinking clearly myself, so less words means less confusion.

The dog must be calm before I even open the door. I wait until Peanut lays down before opening the door (the first day, I gave the command so he knew what I wanted. After that, he knew and just did it automatically when I approached.). He then must wait patiently for me to put the leash on (which takes a few seconds when I am also recording). I invite him out, and we walk right past my other dog (this took practice too!).

At the door, I wait for him to sit (again, the first day I told him what I wanted, after that I expect it). Then we go on our walk!

Please feel free to contact me if you would like help initiating a routine for your dog too!

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