For my pups, it is a rare treat as my husband does not allow dogs in the bed, thus the only time I can sleep with them is when I choose to snooze in the living room or the dog room. I love feeling immersed in doggy bodies that are as large as I am. Grace does not typically like to cuddle, but will sleep under or beside me, usually with her nose buried in my neck or arm pit. Brutus is a snuggle bug extraordinaire, with Gumby-like properties and patience that allows me to move him where ever I would like him to be, and then hug.
I was cuddled cozily with Grace furled tightly in a ball for my pillow, and Brutus stretched out parallel to me, hugged tightly like a living body pillow. The soft warmth radiated gently around me and slowly my headache dissipated. Brutus' body heat helped ease my muscles so my sleep was truly restful. The added bonus (for me) is no dog will move until I wake up. Even when my husband quietly crept out for work early in the morning, my pillows and heaters stayed in place until I was ready to fully awaken. He reported that they both were looking at him as he tiptoed by holding his boots, but did not move their bodies. Bliss.
Sleeping with your dogs at night is a personal choice. There are those who will speak passionately for or against it. There are a few key points to consider before you make a decision for your household.
1. Are you willing to sleep with your dogs when they are full grown? Some dogs are bed hogs, and others are simply large (mine weigh just over 70 pounds each). Take into account the sheer amount of space another sleeping being uses. The gentle tapping of puppy toes during a fierce dream can be cute, but the foot of a lab can be more like a bear cub paw when it is fully grown. When Brutus was an adolescent (I was single at the time, so he did sleep with me every night) he was an awful kicker! If you do not have the temperament to be amused by such things, you may want to reconsider sleeping with your dogs.
2. Is the person sleeping with you also willing to share the bed? As stated earlier- my husband does not allow dogs in his bed. Since we are married, and I sleep in that bed now, Brutus and Grace have their own room now.
3. Are the behavioral problems that are safety issues that you cannot or will not address from a deep sleep? There are several instances I can think of off of the top of my head. Any issues that can jeopardize yours and/or the dog/s health should negate the desire to have them share your bed. For example, if you have multiple dogs that do not get along and you are a deep sleeper, you will want to choose one dog or the other, or neither to sleep with unless you would like to wake up covered in blood with a dog fight on your chest. If your dog is having a misunderstanding involving possession of you, or the one you share your bed with- when either party moves it is prime time for a bite. Even if you are a light sleeper, the behaviors should not be allowed to continue, and you will have to wake in order to stop it, rather then prevent the incident altogether.
4. Are you willing to perform the necessary routines to ensure cleanliness? Anyone who allows pets on the furniture knows a bit about the hygiene factors. Sheets will need to be cleaned more often, and dogs will need to be kept clean as well.
Those are the main points. As always, feel free to add on with a comment below.
Happy training! :)
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